1936 | Black Coin, The |
1934 | Die Rothschilds (The House of Rothschild) |
1933 | Tarzan the Fearless |
Geheimnis des Wachsfigurenkabinetts, Das (Mystery of the Wax Museum) | |
1932 | Hurricane Express, The (Hurricane Express, The) |
1930 | Hölle hinter Gittern (Big House, The) |
1929 | Fugitives |
1928 | Terror, The |
Hochzeitsmarsch (Wedding March, The) | |
Sünden der Väter (Sins of the Fathers) | |
1927 | Welt in Flammen, Die (Patent Leather Kid, The) |
1925 | Monster, The |
1923 | Anna Christie |