1984 | California Clan (Santa Barbara) |
Mord ist ihr Hobby (Murder, She Wrote) | |
1977 | Love Boat (The Love Boat) |
1973 | Police Story (Police Story) |
1966 | Castle of Evil |
1957 | The Story of Mankind (The Story of Mankind) |
1956 | Blutroter Kongo (Congo Crossing) |
Furchtlosen, Die (Proud Ones, The) | |
Skrupellos (Great Day in the Morning) | |
1955 | Piratenbraut (Pearl of the South Pacific) |
1954 | Der Talisman (King Richard and the Crusaders) |
Silberne Kelch, Der (Silver Chalice, The) | |
1953 | Flucht aus Shanghai (South Sea Woman) |
Hölle der Gefangenen (Devil's Canyon) | |
1952 | Im Banne des Teufels (Iron Mistress, The) |
1951 | Starlift |
Hals in der Schlinge, Den (Along the Great Divide) | |
Königs Admiral, Des (Captain Horatio Hornblower R.N.) | |
1950 | West Point Story, The |
Gesetzlos (Backfire) | |
Rebell, Der (Flame and the Arrow, The) | |
1949 | Sprung in den Tod (White Heat) |
Vogelfrei (Colorado Territory) | |
1948 | Die tollkühne Rettung der Gangsterbraut Honey Swanson (Song Is Born, A) |
1947 | Out of the Blue |
Das Doppelleben des Herrn Mitty (Secret Life of Walter Mitty, The) | |
1946 | Besten Jahre unseres Lebens, Die (Best Years of Our Lives, The) |
1945 | Mein zauberhafter Bruder (Wonder Man) |
1944 | Das Korsarenschiff (Princess and the Pirate, The) |
Up in Arms (Up in Arms) | |
1943 | Jack London (Jack London) |