1960 | Dschungel der 1000 Gefahren (Swiss Family Robinson) |
1959 | Tropenglut (Green Mansions) |
1958 | Jerry außer Rand und Band (Geisha Boy, The) |
1957 | Brücke am Kwai, Die (Bridge on the River Kwai, The) |
1955 | Tokio-Story (House of Bamboo) |
1950 | Drei kehrten heim (Three Came Home) |
1949 | Tokio-Joe (Tokyo-Joe) |
1937 | Gebrandmarkt (Forfaiture) |
1931 | In 80 Minuten um die Welt (Around the World with Douglas Fairbanks) |
1920 | Beggar Prince, The |
1919 | Dragon Painter, The |
1918 | Honor of His House, The |
1917 | Bottle Imp, The |