2022 | Clerks III (Clerks III) |
Dog - Das Glück hat vier Pfoten (Dog) | |
2019 | Motherless Brooklyn (Motherless Brooklyn) |
2017 | Twin Peaks (Twin Peaks) |
2016 | Deepwater Horizon (Deepwater Horizon) |
2015 | True Story - Spiel um Macht (True Story ) |
2014 | Mädelsabend (Walk of Shame) |
2013 | Wolf of Wall Street, The (Wolf of Wall Street, The) |
2012 | Zombie Invasion War (Rise of the Zombies) |
2010 | Unstoppable - Außer Kontrolle (Unstoppable) |
2007 | Mr. Woodcock (Mr. Woodcock) |
2006 | Art School Confidential |
Clerks 2 (Clerks II) | |
Fountain, The (Fountain, The) | |
2004 | Entourage (Entourage) |
2002 | Meine ersten zwanzig Millionen (First $20 Million Is Always the Hardest, The) |
2001 | Blow (Blow) |
Evolution (Evolution) | |
2000 | Gegen jede Regel (Remember the Titans) |
Takedown (Takedown) | |
The Hunt (The Hunt) | |
1999 | Bad Trip - Eine chaotische Reise (Tyrone) |
Third Watch - Einsatz am Limit (Third Watch) | |
1998 | Desert Blue |
American History X (American History X) | |
1996 | Don't Look Back - Die Killer im Nacken (Don't Look Back) |
1994 | Sister, Sister (Sister, Sister) |
1989 | Geschichten aus der Gruft (Tales from the Crypt) |